Is your PS4 not turning on? Are you facing issues like PS4 is not turning on or immediately turning off? Sometimes a beep sound comes and sometimes nothing happens. This is really frustrating for the players. After a hectic week, when you want to spend some time on your favorite game using a gaming console and in return it just shuts off and doesn’t work then it’s really disappointing. Today I am going to discuss the solutions to Turn On your PS4.

If your PlayStation is not Turning on then there is surely be some underlined reasons that need to be addressed. So before actually discussing the solution first, I am going to discuss the actual reasons behind the problem.

PS4 Not Turning On? Here Are The top 5 Solutions!
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What are the reasons that PS4 is not turning on?

  1. Roaches get into the power supply. They walk in the circuit and shot two points together, thus become a hurdle in the power supply.
  2. There may be a reason that your power cord is broken or connected incorrectly to the wall outlet or to the device. You need to check that.
  3. Fluctuating power may result in No Turning ON PS4.
  4. The power strip is not allowing your PS4 to connect to the power sully because of low voltage.
  5. The problem in the PS4 power button. Maybe the button has damaged due to some reason.
  6. There may be some dust in your gaming console.
  7. You may not have inserted the disk properly.
  8. Overheating

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Solutions to the problem “PS4 not turning on”

Solution 1: Reconnect the Power cable

The very first solution is to Reconnect the Power cable. Maybe tHe power cable is not properly connected to the device or to the wall outlet. Thus,  Turn Off the switch, Plug out and Wait for at least 30 seconds. Now. Plugin again. Power on and check if now PS4 is working or not. This is a very simple solution discussed here because sometimes we do everything except this one.

Solution 2: Replace the Power cable

Maybe the power cable has worn off, so its time to replace the power cable. This you can get to know by the physical appearance of the wire. Turn off everything, Unplug the Power cable, Fix the issue and then Plug it again, Turn on the system and check. In this case, you may need an Electrician or needs to go to the service center.  I would prefer you to go to the Service center.

Solution 3: Fix Power Button

Maybe the power button of the PS4 has some issues. TO do this, you must have some skill or experience, Do not do experiments. Remove the metal cover of the button and check whether the components on it are out of place. If anything seems to be incorrect, fix it by yourself or take your console to the service center.

Solution 4: Rebuild Console’s Database using Safe Mode

Sometimes bugs enter our system that needs to be cleaned. And PS4 provides us the feature to rebuild the database. This will clean all the previous data and cleans out the system. Follow the steps mentioned below to rebuilt the database in case Your PS4 not turning on.

Step 1. Attach your PS4 controller to the PS4 using a USB cable.

Step 2. Press and hold the power button on your PS4 console until you hear a beep sound. Then release the button. Your PS4 will be in Safe Mode and the screen will look like this:

enter ps4's safe mode and rebuild database

Step 3. Select “5. Rebuild Database” with your controller.

Wait until the process is complete.

Solution 5: Disk Insertion

Disk insertion matters! Firstly, Sometimes you insert the disk wrongly, check that. Secondly, Sometimes you can turn on your PS4 by placing a disk in it. PS4 a disk inserted in and start itself.  The process is simple, Plug the power cable into your PS4, Insert a disk into the disk drive on your PS4. Note that you don’t need to insert all your disks in. Keep pushing it in slowly until you see your console automatically turns on. And finally, Pull your disk out.

Final Words

Hey Friends, use these above very well tried and tested methods if your PS4 not turning on. You have to try each one of them. You never know which one will work.

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By news969

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