What Distinguishes a Real Lady - Latest Technology News - Gaming & PC Tech Magazine- News969

What Distinguishes a Real Lady

Distinguishes a Real Lady
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Many people used to think that a lady is something royal, inaccessible, and insanely expensive. Images of Jacqueline Kennedy, Princess Diana, and Kate Middleton pop up in my mind.

But in everyday life, there will surely be a woman among your entourage who can undoubtedly be called a lady. And wealth and position in society have nothing to do with it. You can name dozens of famous and rich women who, with all their desire, cannot be called a lady. The main decoration of any lady is a smile, which can be obtained by visiting Bet22 and having a good rest.

The appearance of a Lady

Seeing such a woman, in the first seconds it becomes clear that she is a real lady.

  1. She dresses according to the time and place.
  2. The lady does not wear too tight, latex, and “flashy” clothes. Flimsy knitwear is unacceptable.
  3. Does not wear too short skirts and dresses, as well as a deep neckline.
  4. Her image is always feminine, even if she is wearing trousers.
  5. She prefers high-quality shoes and bags. She never skimps on them.
  6. The style of clothing is elegant, calm classics. She also wears jeans and sports shoes (not to be confused with sports shoes). But he knows how to choose and combine them correctly.
  7. Shoes mainly with heels of classic models and colors: black, blue, and beige. “Boats” are an ideal option.
  8. Her image exudes confidence and well-being. If she needs to strengthen it, she knows how to be bright, but not colorful.
  9. Makeup is moderate, and in no way provocative. She also uses red lipstick. But he knows how to choose the right calm shade and observes the important rule of one accent — if bright lips, then “calm” eyes. And vice versa, if the eyes are bright, then the lip color is close to the natural shade.
  10. Manicure. Always fresh. Nails are not long.
  11. Does not show bare belly
  12. Elegant discreet jewelry – expensive jewelry or jewelry.
  13. Clean hair, arranged in a neat hairstyle.
  14. Uses perfume moderately. As Coco Chanel said: “Fragrance is the first thing that is felt when a woman appears, and the last thing that disappears when she leaves.”
  15. Royal bearing. The back is straight, the chin is slightly raised. The step is not wide, but it does not mince.
  16. Friendly facial expression
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Behavior and Manners

  1. The lady does not chew gum and does not utter swear words.
  2. A lady does not wear makeup in public.
  3. The lady is always organized and therefore never in a hurry.
  4. The lady is always reserved — does not allow herself to “lose her temper”.
  5. The lady does not gossip and does not brag, and also does not talk about sex in society.
  6. A lady is polite to everyone, regardless of a person’s position in society.
  7. The lady does not smoke and drinks alcoholic beverages only in special cases.
  8. A lady does not accept a “one-night stand” relationship.
  9. Eats right and maintains physical fitness

These are the main touches that characterize a lady. I would call all of the above a Lady’s Code.

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