Why Are Essay Writing Skills Important Outside of College


You’ve been told that essay writing is important throughout your education time. But rarely does someone stop to explain why. Professors generally provide you with information on why essay writing skills are essential only from an educational perspective. Something along the lines of:

  • It showcases your understanding of the subject
  • It’s vital to your academic success
  • It displays your research skills

Of course, such an explanation won’t force you to devote more time to essays. Considering the fact that you’re trying to maintain a work/study balance, it’s surely not a reason to quit using domyhomework services, as they allow you to have free time. There are good reasons for writing essays outside of the academic ones:

  • It makes you a good reader
  • It helps to understand yourself and others better
  • Provides new possibilities to express yourself
  • Preserves your memories and ideas
  • Entertains others

And that’s true as well, but are you planning to become a writer, blogger, journalist, or critic? If not, the reasons are not that convincing. And in the end, you are wondering, is essay writing significant outside academic success and the prospective career of a writer? Well, there are far more practical aspects that make writing skills essential for any career. Let’s check them out without any further ado. 

Resume & Cover Letters

You may think the interview is the most crucial thing in the employment process. But to get invited for the interview, you need to present yourself properly with your resume and cover letter. Yes, a resume can work on its own when you have a lot of work experience, but when you’re fresh out of college, it’s the way the resume is crafted that attracts the attention of hiring managers. 

If you are good at essay writing, you can easily craft a perfect resume. Firstly, you will avoid the grammar and spelling mistakes that often can spoil the ideal examples of CVs. Secondly, you surely know how to emphasize your strong sides. Finally, essay writing skills are crucial for creating a perfect cover letter. 

You wrote on various topics, regardless of whether you were passionate about them or not. With good writing skills, you can easily express your motivation for getting the desired position and explain why you are the most suitable candidate. 

Communication Skills

Let’s be honest; we are no longer living in an era where work communication is done mainly through an oral form. Nowadays, especially in the post-pandemic world, everything relies heavily on written communication. Having good essay writing skills allows you to express your ideas and messages properly, avoiding possible misunderstandings. 

Moreover, writing improves your overall communication skills. Thus, you find it easier to communicate your thoughts verbally. So, being good at writing essays is not just some dull, useless thing that can be meaningful only for your academic success. It is essential for communicating with your prospective colleagues and with people in general. 


While human beings are naturally creative, essay writing can enhance your creativity. An innovative approach is valued in the vast array of professions. It doesn’t mean that you should seek the position of a creative designer. You can have a creative approach to handling demanding customers when working as part of a client support team. 

Do you have some ideas that you want to present to your boss? You can approach it creatively. Creating a presentation and providing several examples and evidence that support your strategy can really help in that. And isn’t it something that students are required to do when writing an essay? 

Besides, essay writing can lead to understanding which profession to choose. If you are creative about your essays, it’s possible that you should apply for jobs that require a high level of creativity. It helps with your professional formation, so you won’t end up in the job you dislike.

Analytical Skills

In many respects, essay writing can be a hair-pulling experience. Sometimes it’s challenging to comprehend what to do with all the resources that you have. How can you conclude all the contradictory information you have on this or that topic? But the more you write, the easier the task gets simply because essay writing improves your critical thinking. 

It’s not only college where you have to analyze lots of information and then distill it all down to one idea. Your job may require you to do the same. Let’s say you’re going to become a recruiter. You will have to analyze lots of CVs daily. And a good recruiter can pick or reject a candidate based on the CV solely. 

When you’re working with a lot of information, like resumes, you can see certain patterns. Even based on the way they are composed, you can see a candidate’s attitude to work. So, you may condemn the tons of information you have to analyze for your current essay. But doing that may turn out to be crucial for your future profession. 

Persuasive Skills

Regardless of whether you like persuasive essays or not, they are essential for your future work. Returning to presenting your boss with your ideas and strategies. You need to be able to persuade them that it will work. In your cover letter and during the interview, you will have to persuade the hiring manager that you are an ideal candidate for the job. 

Basically, that’s what you do when crafting a persuasive essay. You need to convince the reader that you have the right point by providing them with supporting evidence. So, be it convincing your prospective employers to hire you or clients to choose your service, persuasive skills come in handy. 

Closing Thoughts

So, although tedious at times, essay writing is crucial for your future career. There are practical reasons to do it on your own, as it provides you with skills that may and will turn out necessary for any job that you can apply for. 

By sweety

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