Writing a book and taking it to completion can be a very challenging and demanding task. Every writer can understand that their challenges do not end with the completion of their manuscript. Instead, it starts a new chapter you must explore as a writer. You must deal with editors and book cover designers to finalize your work.
Every writer understands the importance of a book cover design, especially if you write a book for the first time. Your book cover needs to be attractive, impressive, and a reflection of what you have to offer to the reader. That is why writers are always looking for seasoned book cover designers.
If you are also looking for a book cover designer, here are a few tips to help you find the best companion.
1. Understand Your Theme
You may think it is stupid to ask a writer to understand the theme of their own work. After all, they spend weeks and even months writing their book.
Who would know the theme better than the writer?
Yes, of course, the writer takes the lead in this case. However, conveying your theme to a book designer must be very concrete about your idea. You do not get many shots at making an eye-catching book cover.
Therefore, take your time to understand your book’s theme. A book has multiple characters, settings, tone, and emotions. So, take your time understanding the most prominent thing about your book to discuss with your designer.
2. Communicate with the Reader
There are so many people who want their work to get published. It can be hard to stand out in such times, especially if you publish your work for the first time. You may want to ensure that when you send your book out, you want all bases covered.
The first thing our reader notices in an aisle filled with books is the book covers. Of course, when your book is published, it will be placed among thousands of other books in the store. You must find ways to catch the attention of the reader.
That is why many writers need to hire the services of a book designer. They can listen to your needs and pair it with your synopsis for the best outcomes. With years of experience, they can share multiple options after reading a basic synopsis.
You need to ensure that the cover gives a potential reader an insight into your book. Therefore, it needs a lot of attention from you, your editors, and book designers. Of course, as a writer, you know what your book is about.
However, readers must read the cover, enjoy the designs, and be attracted to the colors to add a book to their cart. Use your creativity, emotions, and dedication to come together with the experience of your book designer to come up with an innovative design.
3. Consider Your Target Audience
There are over 155 million books in the world. All of these books fall into different categories and genres. After all, you can find a book on any topic nowadays. You can easily find books on architecture, cooking, self-help, and much more under one roof.
In these thousands of book genres, everyone has their own preferences. As a writer, you can never expect your book to be successful unless you understand the interests and inclinations of your target audience.
Another important factor that helps authors write and choose the right book cover is knowing the age group of their audience. These little details about your audience can help you determine the direction of your book cover design.
4. Revise till Satisfied
Every writer may acknowledge that the hardest part about writing a book is revisions and editing. Over time, revisions can lead to writer’s block, which can be hard to overcome. Every writer knows the feeling when the words just stop making sense.
It is usually thought that the text of your book is the only thing that needs revisions. However, as mentioned, your book cover is as important as your chapters. It is the first point of connection for many readers. That is why it needs a lot of work.
Therefore, it is best never to settle for the first draft of your book cover design. Let your book cover designer know beforehand that it will be long and hard. As a writer, remember that your work is precious. Do not hesitate to ask for more designs if you feel unsatisfied.
5. Think Like a Buyer
Whether one sells a book or a product, one must know what their buyer wants and needs. Similarly, when you send your book out to be published, it is important to feel the needs of your potential readers by being in their place.
Would your book cover inspire you to buy the book?
If your mind says yes in answer to this question, you are on the right path. However, if you have doubts and your get says no to a design, do not ignore that voice. Instead, follow it and make the necessary changes.
Imagine yourself as a reader and not a writer for a while. This practice can help you see your book from a reader’s perspective, giving you a deeper insight into the world of their preferences. It can help you dive into the same genre to see and follow the famous ongoing trends.
If you feel that you cannot view your book or its cover design objectively, you can also ask your friends, family, or members of your literary circle to give you suggestions on choosing the right book cover.
6. Keep it Short
Most of the readers that enter the bookstore are in a rush. That is why publication houses, writers, and editors always try to make their book covers more interesting and attractive. It does not just mean making the art more creative.
Every word you write on your book cover significantly affects a reader’s perception. Remember that you do not need a lot of words to attract the reader. Be short and precise, and work with the idea that your goal is to leave the readers yearning for more.