Here is the thing about Free PSN Codes, they let you feel really, really good about yourself. because who doesn’t love freebies right? But, mostly you would think it is impossible to get free PSN codes right? Well, you couldn’t further away from the truth.

So, we at News969 decided to solve all of this in one go. We have been on the receiving end of all this where we searched and searched for Free PSN Codes.

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And, the below 5 ways have worked the best for us. And, we can vouch that it will work for you too.

But there is a tiny catch right here. Nothing is absolutely free. Not even love. The idea is that you may be expected to maybe fill in the survey, download an e-book or something. We sorted through all the scams and broken promises that promo codes and Free PSN codes and brought you the very authentic ones.

it is just not scams, but most Free PSN Codes generators are malicious ransomware waiting to infect your PC and browser.

Because remember ‘Free’ actually means you may have to fill in a survey or share a referral code. But, we got you the top 5 ways that actually work.

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5 Ways to Get Free PSN Codes

We have listed 5 authentic and 100% working ways to get Free PSN Codes legally without getting your PlayStation account banned. SO through the following list and start earning your free codes today!

Free PSN Codes

1. The Weekly Free PSN Codes

  • Z87G-69BA-664G
  • 9J8E-HYM6-9DS3
  • AJB3-742E-UKKA
  • 3T7R-3KS7-5LN3
  • 85UL-HSSD-F4GL


PSN Reward is a website dedicated to getting you Free PSN Codes. The only thing is that you may have to fill is surveys, leave reviews on their website or even download an app. This is one of the most legal ways of earning Free codes for your PlayStation.

All you have to do is register, Login, Complete Tasks, Earn Points, Redeem and finally convert them to Free PSN Codes.


Similar to the website above, you also can redeem points earned through doing tasks. Here they may aks you to watch a video, learn about a product, fill is surveys, The additional part to this particular website is that they have daily additional bonuses.

So, you can easily sign up and complete tasks every day and redeem your points for Free PlayStation codes.


When it comes to Free PlayStation gift cards one of the legitimate ways to do it is just to exchange your points like the above mentioned. Similarly, on PayPrizes, you sign up and download apps and fulfill tasks. The best part of this website is that you can either opt for the PlayStation gift cards or simply exchange them for money.

And finally!


A generic free gift card website that works like the above website. Except for that you can also do online shopping and earn Free Codes and gift cards. You just sign up and start completing the tasks, like watching videos, downloading the app, answering surveys, etc.

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Don’t do this for Free PSN Codes

Free PSN Codes are a magical thing and it can get you to do really risky things. Like sharing your credit card information while fulfilling tasks. So, we always warn our readers never to share any private information on websites. Most importantly you always have the liberty to choose your tasks so choose them carefully where your personal information is not required.

We also recommend avoiding any Free PSN Codes generators online. None of them works and you would be sharing crucial information with suspicious algorithms. And using any such Free PSN codes from generators can automatically get your PlayStation account banned.

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By news969

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