Did you miss Roblox Rocitizens codes in 2022?

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We regularly updated this post with more rocitizens codes 2022.

Are you searching for them? If yes, you are lucky to read this article. This article has a collective list of active Roblox Rocitizens Codes In 2022 that will help you to have various items as well as money in the game. If you want to try yourself as a game tester, you can find a lot of jobs at Jooble .

The codes we are going to share here are not generated by any fake codes generator but shared by the creators of Rocitizens only. Scroll down to know more!

As you know citizens are very popular game in-currency and you can easily acquire them by finishing the various tasks. You can also get them by spending real money.

But who wants to spend their real money just for fun when there are other ways too! Roblox Rocitizens Codes in 2021 will work here! Without wasting your time in completing various tasks and real money to buy game-in currency, you can use codes as a shorter method of playing.

Remember you can use only one roblox Rocitizens codes at a time! There are thousands of codes available and here I am sharing a few. Do not worry, you will never run out of money with these Lucrative codes. 

Roblox Rocitizens Codes in 2021

List of Active Roblox Rocitizens Codes in 2022

  • Sweettweets: Get Twitter Trophy and $2,500 using this code.
  • Rainyday: Get $3,500 by using this code.
  • Youwishyouhadafish: Get $1,500.
  • ihaveafish: Get $1,000 using this code.
  • Coldhardcash: Enjoy $3500 by this code
  • Alittlesomething: $4000! WOW! By using this code
  • Ilovefirebrand1 or supdatember: Get $4000 in your pocket by using this code
  • Coldhardcash: Get $3000 instant cash. Valid for select carriers only by this code.
  • Goodluckspellingsovereignty: Get Sovereignty Computer using this code, Hurry UP!
  • Cantthinkofcodenames: Apply this code at the time of signup to get $2000 money in your account.
  • youwishyouhadafish or xmasbonus: GEt $1500 instantly using the code.
  • Canigetahottub: Get a free hot tub using the code.
  • cornerpocket: Get a pool table for free using this code.
  • letsdosomelaundry – Use this code to earn $5,000
  • 500million – Use this code to earn $5,000
  • 20valentine – Use this code to earn $4,000 and also a limited furniture item
  • XMAS19 – Use this code to earn $3,000
  • Rocitizens6th – Use this code to earn $6,000
  • Rocitizens5th – Use this code to earn $5,000
  • code – Use this code to earn $10
  • easteregg – Use this code to earn $13,337
  • rosebud – Use this code to earn $3,000
  • truefriend – Use this code to earn $4,000
  • onfleek – Use this code to earn $6,000
  • discordance – Use this code to earn $3,500
  • untimely – Use this code to earn $12,000
  • luckyduck – Use this code to earn $3,500
  • makeitrain – Use this code to earn $4,500
  • rainyday – Use this code to earn $3,500
  • youwishyouhadafish – Use this code to earn $1,500
  • ihaveafish – Use this code to earn $1,000
  • coldhardcash – Use this code to earn $3,500
  • alittlesomething – Use this code to earn $4,000

Roblox Rocitizen is developed by fireband1 users with a huge fan base also the most popular game on Roblox. Rocitizen game is mostly for role play and you can get apartments, career, car, and other things that make this game more fun in playing.

In Rocitizen game, there are different jobs and the highest paying job is a cashier with $15 base pay and a $10 task bonus.

Nowadays people compare Roblox and Bloxburg that which one is better but I would say both games are awesome and Rocitizen is free to play where Bloxburg is paid access until release and has more features than Roblox but still it’s really hard to compare both games because both are amazing games.

How to Use Roblox Rocitizens codes?

It is very easy to use these codes in your game. Follow the steps below:

  1. Open Roblox on your system.
  2. Click on the “Shop” button on the bottom left corner and then “click” on Inventory.
  3. Click the section “codes” and copy the code here.
  4. Press Enter and yeah! you are good to go!

Rocitizens codes 2020

List of outdated Roblox Rocitizens Codes That may work

These are some old codes that are already expired. Better to avoid using these codes.

  • supdatember – Get $4,000 using the code.
  • cantthinkofcodenames – Use the code and get $2,000!
  • ilovefirebrand1 – Enjoy $4,000!
  • xmasbonus – Wow! Get $1,500.
  • bugsareannoying – This code will give you $2,500.
  • gimmegimmegimme – Get a small amount of $750 using the code.
  • allthemoola – Get $1,000.
  • canigetahottub – Grab free Hot Tub with this code.
  • cornerpocket – Get free Pool Table.
  • good – Enjoy $10,000.

Final Thoughts

Well Folks, this is the list of some Roblox Rocitizen codes 2021. Rocitizens Game is really awesome and millions of people are connected with its exciting gameplay. You can not make such a game in a single night,  it needs dedication to code for various important things in game-like graphics and user interface.

I Hope the codes work well for you. These codes are updated every month, you just need the right place to find 100% working codes. I hope to see you again with some fresh and new working codes.

Mention in comments if you know more about the Rocitizens codes 2020. Share your feedback if the code will work for you. Thank you!!

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